Alumni Newsletters

BOATMAN  is the official newsletter of the Toronto Argonauts Alumni Association and published four times annually.  The newsletter provides topics of interest about all things Double Blue to active alumni members.

You can get each newsletter delivered to your own mailbox by becoming a member!

2019-02 – June 2019

2019-01 – February 2019

2017-03 – November 2017

2017-02 – June 2017

2017-01 – March 2017

2016-02 – June 2016

2015-04 – September 2015

2015-03 – July 2015

2015-02 – May 2015

2015-01 – Winter 2015

Do you wish to submit information for our newsletter? Want to keep in touch with the alumni association? Write to us here, and give us the details.