These Canadian Football Hall of Fame inductees had legendary careers that included seasons in the Double Blue as a player, coach, or executive:
Damon Allen
John Barrow
Danny Bass
Harry Batstone
Paul Bennett
Leroy Blugh
Ab Box
David Braley
Joe Breen
Jerry Campbell
Frank Clair
Mike (Pinball) Clemons
Tommy Joe Coffey
Lionel Conacher
Royal Copeland
Jim Corrigall
Frank Cosentino
Wes Cutler
Matt Dunigan
Terry Evanshen
Cap Fear
Dan Ferrone
Doug Flutie
Bill Frank
Jake Gaudaur
Terry Greer (2019)
Tracy Ham
Rodney Harding
Lew Hayman
Condredge Holloway
Hank Ilesic
Bob Isbister
Russ Jackson
Ellison Kelly
David (Tuffy) Knight
Joe Krol
Dr. A. Smirle Lawson
Neil Lumsden
Marv Luster
Don Matthews
Derrell “Mookie” Mitchell
Bob O’Billovich
Mike O’Shea
Willie Pless
Dave Raimey
Ted Reeve
Ralph Sazio
Dick Shatto
Orlondo Steinauer
Annis Stukus
Don Sutherin
Bill Symons
Dave Thelen
Pierre Vercheval
David Williams (2019)
Ben Zambiasi
Bill Zock