Regular Meetings
The Board of Directors meet from time to time as may be required or as it sees fit, but in any event, at least once every four months, and the time and place of the meeting will be at such place as the Board in its discretion decide upon.
Meetings of the Board are called by the President or Secretary of the Association by giving eight days’ notice in writing mailed to each member of the Board or three days’ notice by email, telephone of fax of any meeting of the Board of Directors.
Special Meetings of the Board of Directors
The Secretary of the Association may call a special meeting of the Board of Directors and state the business to be brought forward before the meeting, on written request of any two members of the Board of Directors. Written notice of a special meeting is to be provided with 21 days advance notice.
Annual General Meeting
An Annual General Meeting is held annually soon after the end of the Association’s fiscal year (commences September 1, concludes October 31 of the following year) as is convenient but no later than October 31, to elect officers and transact such business of the Association as should come before the meeting.
Notice of each annual general meeting is provided in writing to the last known address of each member in good standing and sent no less than eight days previous to the date of such meeting.
Special General Meetings
The Board of Directors may convene special general meetings of the Association of such time and place as may be determined by the Board of Directors.
Notice of each special annual general meeting is provided in writing to the last known address of each member and sent no less than eight days previous to the date of such meeting.